Friday, October 5, 2007


Does Your Boss Envy You?
Monica M. Burns

Does she shoot down every idea or suggestion that you have in every meeting? Does she constantly bury you in work or does she give you any work to do at all? Does she make sly remarks on your wardrobe, and you know that you look good? If so, your boss is an insecure train wreck waiting to crash...and she’s envious of you!

Women are already judged for being too emotional in the work place and it doesn’t help if your boss is both emotional and envious. She feels threatened by your looks, your job knowledge, and your confidence. She does not possess any of those qualities, so she tries to incorporate intimidation into her management style, which in turn, attempts to put fear in your heart of her. She feels that the intimidation she is trying to push off on you, makes up for her shortcomings in confidence...none of which she has. It only makes her look foolish and unstable. These types of Women Managers can only function around those who are incompetent and less knowledgeable, because it’s what makes her feel powerful and smart.

These type of women thrive on stress-filled environments and feel that if they have made someone physically sick through stress-inducing endeavors, they have reached their quotas for the day. It is a sense of accomplishment for them , as sick and twisted as this may sound. These women also contribute to the deaths of their own careers. The higher-ups are taking notice and waiting on her to hang herself. She takes the bait and eventually she’s out-of-there. Sometimes it takes a minute, and most times it takes years....but eventually she’s gone, unless she’s the owner of the company! Then she’ll just put herself out of business!

We’ve all worked with someone who has tried to make our work days unbearable. Some of us have probably gotten sick from it also. You have choices! You can either leave that type of work environment for your health’s sake altogether, or you can stay and work to change the situation by talking with your boss or talking with her boss. Make your career life tolerable...because it is possible!

Monica Burns-Capers
Copyright (c)2007 Monica Burns-Capers. All Rights Reserved.

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