Sunday, October 7, 2007


Dress The Part
Monica M. Burns

People often immediately form an impression of who they think we are just by observing our outer appearances.

You are not supposed to care about what others think about your particular style, if you are truly confident in the way that you look and the image that you are projecting; however, if you are going to a Job Interview, you should care about how the hiring manager will perceive you, and the first impression that you are making, for the type of job in which you are interviewing. In certain situations, you should care about how others perceive you, That would include: Job Interviews, Apartment Hunting, Public Appearances, Professional Events, and so on and so forth.

Never interact in an environment where your usual attire will clash with others. If you are not going to dress the part for the event that you are not attend. Never apply for a job that will require you to dress-up, if you are not willing to dress the part. That will save you time and hurt feelings. All of us would like to think and say that we really could care less, what anyone thought about the way that we looked. But that’s not entirely true. It’s not that we care about others judging us, we would just like to be perceived as the people and professionals that we really are. So we must dress the part!

If dressing the part becomes a problem for you, maybe you should evaluate your position in life and switch roads, because the road that you have been traveling down has led you the wrong way and you are truly lost!

Your Image and First Impressions are important. Sometimes you never get a second chance to impress those who initially formed their impression of you based on the image you projected when you first met them. Be who you are or who you are striving to be by Dressing The Part!

Monica M. Burns
Copyright (c)2007Monica M. Burns. All Rights Reserved.

You Must Have Permission From The Author Prior To Reprinting of These Article.

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